You Want Loathsome? It's Tebow.

First of all, he's a Gator. The most loathsome of fan bases and teams. Replete with their Cameros and jean shorts, their arrogance knows no bounds. Every other school in the conference hates them. It may be because their athletic department is so damn good, but it more likely because of their arrogance. After all, no one started liking the Gators when the Zooker was losing.
Second, he cheers too much. Tebow yells after big plays and skips on and off the field. For some reason, white athletes that show too much enthusiasm are disturbing. He always seems to have that weird looking grin on his face that closes his eyes. That's annoying. Even his name sounds cheerful, "Here comes Timmy Tebow."
Lastly, his fans are obsessed and idiotic. There is no one out there who sort of likes Tebow. He is either loathed as an over hyped fullback or worshiped as a the love child of Paul Bunyan and Zena the Warrior Princess, more god than man who sprang forth, fully grown, the result of a secret German military project located in the Philippines, imported to spread his super genetic seed among the UF coeds. Exhibit A is this highlight video ripping off Chuck Norris.
If for nothing else, the term "Tebowner" makes the kid loathsome.
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