Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Enemy of My Enemy ...

Congrats to the Gators. That was an old-fashioned whippin'. Whatever your excuse is Ohio State, you should just save it, pay homage, and walk away. Don't argue anything. There was no point in the game (past the opening kickoff) that I ever thought you had a better team. Florida was practically flawless all night. If it was a boxing match, they would have stopped it in the third round.

I must confess, however, I am mildly despondent today. I hate Florida and it disgusts me to see them win, but I must give them credit. They performed best when it mattered the most. The Dawgs should pay heed and learn the lesson. My wife tried to make me feel better last night by reminding me that we only lost by 7 in Jacksonville, that we beat Auburn who beat UF, and that it was obvious that we were better than Ohio State. None of that worked. I guess I'm glad to see that Ohio State got some needed humiliation.

As one reader emailed me today, the SEC should be happy as several teams in the conference fared far better than Ohio State did against the Gators. A sense of conference pride does not, however, overcome my dread at seeing the Gators win.