Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Update

-The Roanoke Times reports that all but three coaches of the Virginia Tech sports teams report their athletes were accounted for and safe. The newspaper couldn't reach the other three.

Ryan Clark (left)

-Of course, the athletes are a tiny part of the university community. Ryan Clark, a member of the Tech marching band, the Marching Virginians, was killed in the first shooting incident yesterday at West Ambler Johnston Hall. Clark was only a few weeks from graduating with a double major.

-The AJC also reports that German professor, UGA grad, and Braves fan Christopher Bishop was killed in his classroom during the second shooting incident at Norris Hall.

The tragedy of this story is hard to overstate. Be sure to read Orson's advice about one reaction you should have to this tragedy, a greater appreciation for your family and friends.