Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spurrier Kicks Ohio State

In typical Shiny Pants fashion, Spurrier has called Ohio State "Runner-up U." This quote shows why Spurrier is both loved and detested. Loved for his brash comments and willingness to ditch coachspeak. Detested because of his brash comments and willingness to kick opponents while they're down.

Hey, Stevie, if Ohio State is runner-up U., what is South Carolina?

In other Gator news, King Bee pointed me to this example of the twisted thinking of Gator Nation. It shows that while non-Gators may not have the scoreboard in our favor, we will always appear to be more normal and classy human beings. (Yes, I realize that class is a measure only of concern to the defeated. Gators still wear jean shorts.)

"Go write the great American novel. Go start a Fortune 500 company. Go Gators."